Hi, there! My name is Mandy, and I’m a writer, mother of two, certified postpartum doula, and yoga teacher based in Hendersonville, North Carolina. Before living in Hendersonville, my husband and I lived in Chicago, and we both originally hail from Ohio. I have worked as a stay-at-home-mom, a writer, and a teacher. Currently, I’m interested in exploring conversations with my community, pop culture, politics, writing, yoga, and more.

Over the past two years, I have completed two yoga teacher programs. The first was with YAM Yoga School for my 200 hour certification and the second was with Vira Bhava Yoga for my 300 hour certification. Additionally, I have been teaching classes and have felt the true joy that comes from teaching. I hope that this blog will serve as a place where I can not only write about my journey, but also about the inner-conversation that yoga is always spurring its practitioners to have. In addition to writing about my yoga journey, I want to write about conversations and stories that matter to me. This could include discussions with other women writers and creators in my community and beyond as well as responding to pop culture and political issues in the zeitgeist. 

Being a mother is the biggest part of my life, and I do plan to write about it, but protecting my children’s privacy is important. When I write about my family, I will be using pseudonym’s for them. Because they both love Star Wars, I’ll refer to my oldest as Mando and my youngest as Princess Leia.  
