
When your need help finding your voice, copywriting can help.

A lifelong love for writing and storytelling.

I have been writing ever since I was a little girl. When I was having a tough day or feeling confused, I could always grab a notebook and not down my thoughts to help me feel at ease. As I grew older, I honed my craft by studying English and Writing at Bluffton University. I continued my studies at the University of Dayton where I wrote and studied poetry. (9).png

Walk me through the process.

I am eager to work with clients who need help writing blogs, newsletters, and creative writing projects. I'm also available to work with clients who need help revising and editing their work. While I'm open to almost any topic, special interests include: parenthood, children, child birth, health and wellness, travel and tourism, and politics.


Projects are priced individually, please inquire for more information.

• Blogs & Articles

• Reviews

• Website copy

• Business branding copy

• Biographies

• Books & magazines


Step one: Consultation

When working together, we'll start with a consultation. This can be done virtually or in-person, and it's an opportunity for me to learn about your project and timeline.

Step two: writing

Next, I will work on your project and send you my completed work. (Elaborate on your process a little bit. Turnaround time? Will you be uploading, how will files be delivered? etc.)

Step three: feedback and cohesion

Lastly, you can give me your feedback and we can collaborate on any revisions you see as necessary.

Copywriting is essential for connection.

To get more information, ask me your own questions or just schedule a meeting to see if we would be a good fit for your birth journey, please contact me.