The Old Family Wagon

Below is a little tongue and cheek love poem because in a couple of days, my husband and I will have been together 18 years (our wedding anniversary isn't until May–November 19th marks the anniversary of when we got together). I still feel like we're just getting started.

P.S.- For whatever reason, Square Space doesn't show italics. The first and last lines are meant to be italicized as a tribute to George Jones and Tammy Wynette.

The Old Family Wagon

No, we're not the jet set/we're the old Subaru set/and that's ok/even though my eyes may wander towards whatever is new on the car lot/I'll always come back to the old family wagon/because this is the car we brought our first baby home in/you drove ten miles under the speed limit that day/you were so nervous/the kids grow everyday/ and they're strong/and beautiful/and wild/groceries line our kitchen and our house is warm/we can pick up a six pack on Friday to go with our homemade pizza/I put the dishes away while you lean against the kitchen counter and crack wise about classic country/so far we have known each other for nineteen years/but who's counting/I still smile seeing your truck pull in the driveway/and you still come out to meet me when I park the old Subaru/ain't we got love.


You are not Behind


Seek First