Letting Go
Lately, my practices have involved a lot of letting go.
Letting go of stagnant energy and emotions in order to make room to draw new energy up from the earth. And the funny thing is, I often don't really realize how much I'm holding onto until I actively and consciously let go.
During these practices, I have found ease and space to be with myself just as I am.
I'm allowing myself to let go of the need to chase relationships with people who really don't seem like they want one with me, and instead, drawing closer to those who do.
I'm allowing myself to let go of my need to get it right according to someone else's standard, and instead tuning into what feels right for me.
I'm letting go of the idea that I should be further ahead, and instead allowing space for the idea that where I'm at is just right.
I'm letting go of the idea that my stomach needs to be flat and my booty should take up less space and my hips should be less wide, and instead standing in awe of a body that birthed two beautiful humans.
I'm letting go of the idea that I am not allowed to voice my frustration or disappointment for fear of letting others down, and instead, choosing my words wisely to share my heart honestly and fully.
Letting go is a process. I'm under no illusions that I can let go of my tendencies now, and they shall never be heard from again. It's likely that I'll let go of these habits, and they'll pop up again in a few months, but the key is that my awareness of these habits has grown, and my capacity to let them go has changed. One of the many gifts of yoga is how it can help our relationship to awareness evolve if we slow down and tune in to the best of our own hearts.