38 in 38
A few weeks ago, I turned 38. The past couple of weeks have been so busy between my teaching schedule, trips, school breaks, and illnesses. I really haven't had much of a chance to take stock and reflect, but in an effort to do so, I want to share some reflections of 38 things I have learned over my 38 years.
Trust your instinct to say no.
Trust your instinct to say yes.
Love changes. Don't confuse it with love lost.
Life is long. There will always be time for work.
Most people are too worried about themselves to judge you.
Follow as many varied interests as call to you
Friendships wax and wane. It's ok for friendships to change or naturally end.
Not every trend is for everyone.
Read often and widely.
Listen with curiosity. Take what you want and leave the rest.
Try to turn towards bids for attention more often than you turn away from those bids whether those bids come from your spouse or kids.
Life is the practice.
Celebrate and welcome each season
It's ok if your timeline is much different than what you pictured at 16 or 21.
To make friends, put yourself out there.
To keep friends, continue putting yourself out there.
Skin is a reflection of your inner health. Stay well hydrated.
Wear lots of sunscreen.
Persevering is great, but knowing when to gracefully leave is key.
Jealousy is natural. It can also destroy friendships and your sense of self.
The process is the reward.
Listen to a wide variety of voices, not just those that confirm your priors.
Keep writing even if it's a sentence a day.
If something doesn't work out the first time, be patient–another opportunity is coming.
Be open to the possibility you have it wrong. Change course accordingly.
Trust when you have it right and stay the course.
Magnesium before bed is key.
Your worth is so much more than your job title or how productive you are.
You'll never regret speaking up for your kids.
Rewatch. Reread. Relisten. Go back and revisit your favorites.
Being arrogant and being in your worth are two different things.
Being sensitive is a good thing. Softness is a superpower.
Know when to turn down the noise and just be quiet.
Take a few minutes for gratitude each day.
This is critical: always keep good coffee in the house.
Setting boundaries is hard. Try to do it anyway.
Wash your face before bed.
Compliments cost nothing. Give them away liberally.